On July 24, 2021, over 100 friends and colleagues, former fellows and students, and family members from all over the world came together on Zoom to celebrate Dr. Woo’s 80th birthday. For some, this Zoom celebration was very early in the morning while for others, very late at night.
The organizers, Drs. Matthew Fisher, Steve Abramowitch, Jennifer Wayne, Zhi-Pei Liang, Kirstin Woo, Zong-Ming Li, Mr. Jonathan Woo and Ms. Diann DeCenzo, put together a program that was enjoyed by all in attendance.
Chancellor Emeritus of the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Mark Nordenberg, presented the opening remarks and was followed by Drs. David Vorp, Kai-Nan An, Arthur Mak, Metin Akay, Tejal Desai, Albert Banes, Per Renström, Ramon Cugat and Montse Garcia Balletbó, Hongwei Ouyang, Chih-Hwa Chen and Yubo Fan to talk about Dr. Woo’s Influence on World Science. After a short break, the celebration became a trivia game with special guest appearances by Dr. and Mrs. Albert Kobayashi, Dr. Woo’s PhD mentor; Ms. Lynnette Fleck, Dr. Woo’s Assistant at UCSD; Dr. John Xerogeanes, former undergraduate student and resident; Dr. Akihiro and Mrs. Jennifer Kanamori, former fellow and graduate student; and Dr. Werner Müller, a very dear friend.
Dr. Woo’s beautiful granddaughters provided a wonderful toast and everyone sang Happy Birthday.
Dr. Woo concluded the celebration with words of gratitude and he sang a song.